Né à Calcutta en Inde, Marc Huber s’imprégna de ce pays qu’il dut quitter enfant pour rejoindre la Suisse. Il débuta ensuite des études de droit à l’université de Genève auxquelles il renonça. C’est ainsi que l’art devint le fil conducteur de sa vie et de ses activités ; un art fait d’accidents heureux, quête de justesse plutôt que de perfection. Son œuvre est une transformation, une transfiguration, une saisie d’énergie représentant sa vision de la vie.
Né à Calcutta en Inde, Marc Huber s’imprégna de ce pays qu’il dut quitter enfant pour rejoindre la Suisse. Il débuta alors des études de droit à l’université de Genève qu’il abandonna pour un mode de vie peu conventionnel, entreprenant toute sorte d’activités. Mais ce fut à travers l’art qu’il atteignit son accomplissement personnel et trouva une véritable liberté. S’engageant jeune dans cette voie, Marc Huber exploite encore aujourd’hui chaque saillie de son inspiration en s’adonnant aux délices de la sérendipité.
We wanna make so big in the market
We are gonna get kicked in the budget
Indexes reach the sky in the market
Lets fly to the moon with the rocket
Pensions underfunded in the market
Lets try hide together under blankets
Govment bonds will default in the market
Keep stacking worthless dough in the pocket
Taxes will creep up in the market
Lets fairly get poor from this racket
Houses are mortgaged in the market
Lets find dubious shelter in the closet
No other place to run than the market
Lets rush out and shoot at the target
All twitters are babbling in the market
Lets happy badmouth in the fishnet
Facebook users are tracked in the market
Be all docile sheeps under the gibbet
Your whole future is thrown in the market
All bravely get chopped on the planchet
Its a runaway train in the market
Its soon gonna derail in the sunset
All rulers now mess up the market
Lets not trust blindly the grisly puppets
Politics all have hope in the market
They wont keep their soft seats at the junket
Let banksters ripp you off in the market
They shure wont hide long from the bullet
Riches are gonna drown in the market
Swim countercurrent in the bullnet
The crash may not come now in the market
Wont take long to reach the gasket
This nice wonderful world in the markets
Will stumble and fall on red carpets
Copyright 2014
We wanna make so big in the market
We are gonna get kicked in the budget
Indexes reach the sky in the market
Lets fly to the moon with the rocket
Pensions underfunded in the market
Lets try hide together under blankets
Govment bonds will default in the market
Keep stacking worthless dough in the pocket
Taxes will creep up in the market
Lets fairly get poor from this racket
Houses are mortgaged in the market
Lets find dubious shelter in the closet
No other place to run than the market
Lets rush out and shoot at the target
All twitters are babbling in the market
Lets happy badmouth in the fishnet
Facebook users are tracked in the market
Be all docile sheeps under the gibbet
Your whole future is thrown in the market
All bravely get chopped on the planchet
Its a runaway train in the market
Its soon gonna derail in the sunset
All rulers now mess up the market
Lets not trust blindly the grisly puppets
Politics all have hope in the market
They wont keep their soft seats at the junket
Let banksters ripp you off in the market
They shure wont hide long from the bullet
Riches are gonna drown in the market
Swim countercurrent in the bullnet
The crash may not come now in the market
Wont take long to reach the gasket
This nice wonderful world in the markets
Will stumble and fall on red carpets
Copyright 2014
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